Victory in Christ

“Get wisdom; develop good judgment. Don’t forget my words…Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.” – Proverbs 4:5,7 (NLT)

As you navigate this life you can sometimes become disheartened, wondering what’s the next step you should take. Let me remind you that Christ came to give us life more abundantly (John 10:10).

This means that you have the key to victory in Christ and in this life. What is the key? It is knowledge and wisdom that unlock the mysteries of life. God wants us to pursue wisdom and understanding, as stated in our main Scripture at the beginning: “Get wisdom! Getting wisdom is the wisest thing…”.

As a child of God, you are supposed to seek His face, not only His hands, to know and understand why He created you. It is God’s desire for you to succeed and prosper.

To succeed and prosper doesn’t only mean material things. It speaks of successfully fulfilling your purpose and maximising your potential. This certainly includes material things, but more importantly, it means Spirit-inspired thoughts, declarations, conversations, business opportunities, and challenges. It also includes supernatural gifts and abilities.

God has designed you to create success and abundance in every place you influence.

You may ask, “Can this happen in a world of confusion and chaos?” The answer is “Yes.” The God we serve will surely bring it to pass as you yield your body, soul, and spirit to Him. Remember, He’s our Way Maker, and He promised never to leave us or forsake us.

As you embark on this New Year’s journey, just remember that victory is wrapped in a package called “OBEDIENCE.”

A blessed and progressive 2025 to you.

Read:  Proverbs 2:11; Proverbs 3:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 1; Matthew 1; Genesis 1; Genesis 2:1-17

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